Source code for solpos

from typing import NamedTuple

from _solpos import _solpos

[docs] class SolposResult(NamedTuple): """Container for the results returned by :func:`solpos.solpos`. :param year: 4-digit year :param month: Month number (Jan = 1, Feb = 2, etc.) :param day: Day of month (May 27 = 27, etc.) :param hour: Hour of day, 0 - 24. (Time 24:00:00 is treated internally as time 00:00:00 of the following day.) :param minute: Minute of hour, 0 - 59 :param second: Second of minute, 0 - 59 :param timezone: Time zone, east (west negative). USA: Mountain = -7, Central = -6, etc. :param latitude: Latitude, *degrees* north (south negative) :param longitude: Longitude, *degrees* east (west negative) :param interval: Interval of a measurement period in *seconds* :param aspect: Azimuth of panel surface in *degrees* (direction it faces) N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270. :param press: Surface pressure, *millibars* :param sbwid: Shadow-band width (*cm*) :param sbrad: Shadow-band radius (*cm*) :param sbsky: Shadow-band sky factor (-1 - 1) :param solcon: Solar constant (*W/m²*) :param temp: Ambient dry-bulb temperature, *degrees C* :param tilt: *Degrees* tilt from horizontal of panel (-180 - 180) :param amass: Relative optical airmass :param ampress: Pressure-corrected airmass :param azim: Solar azimuth angle (*degrees*): N=0, E=90, S=180,W=270 :param cosinc: Cosine of solar incidence angle on panel :param coszen: Cosine of refraction corrected solar zenith angle :param dayang: Day angle :math:`\\frac{daynum * 360}{year\\_length}`, *degrees* :param declin: Declination-zenith angle of solar noon at equator *degrees NORTH* :param eclong: Ecliptic longitude, *degrees* :param ecobli: Obliquity of ecliptic :param ectime: Time of ecliptic calculations :param elevetr: Solar elevation, no atmospheric correction (= ETR) :param elevref: Solar elevation angle, *degrees* from horizon, refracted :param eqntim: Equation of time (TST - LMT), *minutes* :param erv: Earth radius vector(multiplied to solar constant) :param etr: Extraterrestrial (top-of-atmosphere) *W/m²* global horizontal solar irradiance :param etrn: Extraterrestrial (top-of-atmosphere) *W/m²* direct normal solar irradiance :param etrtilt: Extraterrestrial (top-of-atmosphere) *W/m²* global irradiance on a tilted surface :param gmst: Greenwich mean sidereal time, *hours* :param hrang: Hour angle--hour of sun from solar noon *degrees WEST* :param julday: Julian Day of 1 JAN 2000 minus 2,400,000 days (in order to regain single precision) :param lmst: Local mean sidereal time, *degrees* :param mnanom: Mean anomaly, *degrees* :param mnlong: Mean longitude, *degrees* :param rascen: Right ascension, *degrees* :param press: Surface pressure, *millibars*, used for refraction correction and ``ampress`` :param prime: Factor that normalizes :math:`K_t`, :math:`K_n`, etc. :param sbcf: Shadow-band correction factor :param sbwid: Shadow-band width (*cm*) :param sbrad: Shadow-band radius (*cm*) :param sbsky: Shadow-band sky factor :param solcon: Solar constant, *W/m²* :param ssha: Sunset(/rise) hour angle, *degrees* :param sretr: Sunrise time, minutes from midnight, local, **without** refraction :param ssetr: Sunset time, minutes from midnight, local, **without** refraction :param temp: Ambient dry-bulb temperature, *degrees C*, used for refraction correction :param tilt: *Degrees* tilt from horizontal of panel :param tst: True solar time, *minutes* from midnight :param tstfix: True solar time - local standard time :param unprime: Factor that denormalizes :math:`K_t'`, :math:`K_n'`, etc. :param utime: Universal (Greenwich) standard time :param zenetr: Solar zenith angle, no atmospheric correction (= ETR) :param zenref: Solar zenith angle, *degrees* from zenith, refracted. """ # noqa: E501 year: int month: int day: int hour: int minute: int second: float timezone: float interval: int latitude: float longitude: float amass: float ampress: float aspect: float azim: float cosinc: float coszen: float dayang: float declin: float eclong: float ecobli: float ectime: float elevetr: float elevref: float eqntim: float erv: float etr: float etrn: float etrtilt: float gmst: float hrang: float julday: float lmst: float mnanom: float mnlong: float rascen: float press: float prime: float sbcf: float sbwid: float sbrad: float sbsky: float solcon: float ssha: float sretr: float ssetr: float temp: float tilt: float tst: float tstfix: float unprime: float utime: float zenetr: float zenref: float
[docs] def solpos( year: int, month: int, day: int, hour: int, minute: int, second: int, timezone: float, *, latitude: float, longitude: float, interval: int = 0, aspect: float = 180.0, press: float = 1013.0, sbwid: float = 7.6, sbrad: float = 31.7, sbsky: float = 0.04, solcon: float = 1367.0, temp: float = 15.0, tilt: float = 0.0, ) -> SolposResult: """Computes the solar position and intensity from time and place. The underlying ``posdata pdat->function`` struct is set to ``S_ALL`` meaning all possible parameters are calculated using the defaults or the user defined values. :param year: 4-digit year (2-digit years are **NOT** allowed) :param month: Month number (Jan = 1, Feb = 2, etc.) :param day: Day of month (May 27 = 27, etc.) :param hour: Hour of day, 0 - 24. (Time 24:00:00 is treated internally as time 00:00:00 of the following day.) :param minute: Minute of hour, 0 - 59 :param second: Second of minute, 0 - 59 :param timezone: Time zone, east (west negative). USA: Mountain = -7, Central = -6, etc. :param latitude: Latitude, *degrees* north (south negative) :param longitude: Longitude, *degrees* east (west negative) :param interval: Interval of a measurement period in *seconds*. Forces solpos to use the time and date from the interval midpoint. The input time (``hour``, ``minute``, and ``second``) is assumed to be the **END** of the measurement interval (right labelled) (default: ``0.0``) :param aspect: Azimuth of panel surface in *degrees* (direction it faces) N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270. (default: ``180.0``) :param press: Surface pressure, *millibars*, used for refraction correction and ampress (default: ``1013.0``) :param sbwid: Shadow-band width (*cm*) (default: ``7.6``) :param sbrad: Shadow-band radius (*cm*) (default: ``31.7``) :param sbsky: Shadow-band sky factor (-1 - 1) (default: ``0.04``) :param solcon: Solar constant (NREL uses 1367 *W/m²*) (default: ``1367.0``) :param temp: Ambient dry-bulb temperature, *degrees C*, used for refraction correction (default: ``15.0``) :param tilt: *Degrees* tilt from horizontal of panel (-180 - 180) (default: ``0.0``) :return: A :func:`solpos.SolposResult` object with all parameters that SOLPOS is able to calculate (including all input parameters) """ result = _solpos( year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second, timezone=timezone, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, interval=interval, aspect=aspect, press=press, sbwid=sbwid, sbrad=sbrad, sbsky=sbsky, solcon=solcon, temp=temp, tilt=tilt, ) return SolposResult(**result)